Commitment Pays

On my very first day of piano class, my instructor said, 'Commit to Being the Best.' Reflecting on my 20+ years of playing, I've noticed a common pattern: many start with enthusiasm but falter due to impatience or premature satisfaction. As I pondered, I realized the immense effort, time, and sweat I've invested in learning the piano, which reaffirmed my commitment to excellence.

As I reflected on my piano practice, I realized the same principle applies to our spiritual growth. Just as commitment fuels progress in piano, it's also crucial for our spiritual development. Getting value from our spiritual routines depends on our commitment to them.

Reflecting on my piano practice, I saw parallels in our spiritual growth. Commitment drives progress in both realms. Our spiritual routines yield value based on our dedication. Daily engagement with prayer and scripture is a significant investment, shaping our thoughts, habits, and lives. This commitment pays off with lasting results.

I would therefore like to encourage you to stay connected to God daily. Be committed to Him, His plans and words for your life so you can experience the reward of commitment. It pays to commit!
