Change Your Wrong Opinion About God

How long wilt thou forget me, O lord,? Forever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me? Psalm 13:1

David was in serious trouble, depressed and discouraged. In all these, he did not feel the presence of God.
To many of us we feel bad and bitter during trying times, thinking that God does not care about us. That's a wrong opinion about God. Our mind is the key to our life The condition of our mind determines the direction or condition of our lives. There can never be a change in your life without a change first in your mind. There can never be true and right thinking without training your mind to be right.

Do this today: Reflect on your perception of God during tough times. Trust in His promises, knowing His plans are for your good. Pray for deliverance from doubt and oppression, seeking His presence. Take a moment to reaffirm your trust in God's faithfulness today.

Let this song lift your spirits and guide you through any storm life throws your way.

~~God is on your side