I Can Bet My Life on This

Yes, I can bet my life on it over and over again. It’s that God is GOOD, all the time, and all the time God is GOOD.

One afternoon, Job's life unraveled; his wealth vanished, health declined, and family perished. His wife urged him to curse God, and friends, instead of comfort, questioned his righteousness, deepening his anguish.

In pain, Job didn't reinvent his theology; he relinquished the right to judge God and chose to trust him. Amid life's uncertainties, let's emulate Job's surrender. Following his example, may we, too, in our challenges, find the grace not to reinvent our theory about God, but instead, fall to the ground and worship.

Verse of the Day: Job 1:22. in all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God.

Check this song. It’s an assurance that he’s already won