I have to break it to you...

I read a story about a king who was gifted two eaglets. After some time, the king saw that both birds were quite big and decided he wanted to see them fly. The caretaker signaled for them both to fly and one did, soaring high into the sky, while the other flew briefly before returning to its original branch. The king, troubled by an eagle's refusal to fly, offered a reward for a solution, but despite attempts, the bird remained grounded, leaving the king in despair.

One day, the king observed both eagles soaring high. The farmer who was rewarded said "Your highness, I am a simple farmer. I don’t have knowledge like scholars. I just simply cut down the branch on which the eagle had a habit of sitting. As there was no branch, he had no option but to fly.

Reflection: I have to break it to you that God's design for us isn't to remain grounded; we're destined to rise. Don't let low-level circumstances define your destiny; God has higher plans. Embrace His word, rise to your rightful place, and experience His provisions.

Verse of the Day: Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Here’s a nice song to start your weekend. I can only imagine.