This is my biggest problem

I've noticed a pattern in my life—whenever challenges arise, my first instinct is to worry, to try and figure everything out on my own. But as I reflect on this, I realize that not once in the Bible does it say to worry or stress over our problems. Instead, it consistently urges us to trust in God. Is this something you can relate to?

Reflecting on this, I'm reminded of the importance of relinquishing control and placing my trust in God, especially during times of uncertainty. So, I challenge you today to release your worries and fears, and instead, choose to trust in God's plan for your life. Let go of the need to figure everything out on your own, and surrender to His guidance and provision. Are you ready to trust God wholeheartedly and experience the peace that comes with it?

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 3:5. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

 Song of the Day: Feeling overwhelmed? Take a moment to listen to 'Everything' by Israel Houghton. Let its uplifting message remind you to trust in God's plan.

By the way, how can i pray for/with your today? Hit me up!

~~God is on your side!