Ask and you shall receive

A couple went to a beautiful resort where the services were phenomenal. One of the standout aspects was the entertainment, with a hardworking team, including a man nicknamed "Aquaman." He introduced himself with a few swimming strokes to confirm his nickname. On their last night, Aquaman asked them for a 5-star review, explaining that anything less than 5 stars actually hurt his record, despite people thinking they were doing him a favor with a 4. but it would have actually been a disservice. His request provided the clarity they needed to make the right decision.

As I thought about that, I remembered the scripture that says:

Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7
When we ask specifically, we receive. Do not be vague in your asking. I remember the blind man Jesus saw who cried to Jesus. Jesus said, what do you want me to do for you? Even though the man was obviously blind. The man then replied Jesus by being specific.
He said, Lord, that I may receive my sight. And Jesus gave him his sight immediately. Luke 18:39-42

If a human being can be specific about his request, Let us therefore boldly ask the Lord for our request specifically, trusting Him to answer us as we ask Him.

~~God is on your side